“How to Beat the B.E.S.T.”: Strategies for 8th Grade Mathematics Success on Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards

All across the great state of Florida, students are striving to excel in the 8th Math FSA (Florida Standards Assessment), which aligns with the B.E.S.T. (Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking) standards. Mastering topics such as exponent rules, multi-step equations with fractions, slope and slope-intercept applications, angle relationships, the Pythagorean Theorem, and systems of equations in one school year can be overwhelming. Here are some strategies to help guide your students to success.

Strategies for Success:

Firm Up the Foundation Early:

  • Start Early: After a thorough review of integers, focus on building equation-solving skills. Make equations a regular part of your lesson plans throughout the school year. Repetition is key to mastery.

Utilize Online Tools:

  • Khan Academy: Use online tools like Khan Academy to check for mastery of concepts and set high expectations for rigor. Khan Academy offers a course specifically designed for Florida's B.E.S.T. standards. While most of the content is excellent, some units, like transformations, may be more challenging. Overall, it's an outstanding resource.

  • High Expectations: Setting high standards and providing the resources to meet them can significantly impact student success.

Textbook Selection and Resource Utilization:

  • Evaluate Textbooks: Reflect on the various math textbooks you have used. Some are excellent at progressing questions to help students build from their current level to where they need to be, while others may look appealing but lack substance.

  • Custom Resources: Be cautious of textbooks that claim to be tailored for Florida but merely use software to change names in word problems without fully aligning with the standards. Finding the right resources that genuinely support your students' learning is crucial.

  • District Resources: If your district’s adopted textbook is lacking, supplement it with additional resources. Textbooks created by individuals without classroom experience often miss practical elements necessary for effective teaching.

Building and Sharing Resources:

  • Collaborative Development: Since 2016, I have been developing 8th Math resources tailored for my Florida students. Collaborating with other experienced math teachers has allowed us to continuously improve and refine these materials.

  • Student Achievement: As a result of these efforts, my students and school consistently perform at the highest levels in Florida.

Invest in Quality Resources:

  • Purchase Worksheets: If you’re looking for comprehensive resources, consider purchasing the more than 60 worksheets I have developed for 8th grade Pre-Algebra. These worksheets are designed to align with the B.E.S.T. standards and include links to math lessons on my YouTube channel. These worksheets are a “must-have” for every 8th grade math teacher in the state of Florida!

Successfully preparing students for the 8th Math B.E.S.T. requires a combination of early and consistent practice, leveraging high-quality online tools, carefully selecting materials, and continuously developing and refining resources. By implementing these strategies, you can help your students build the skills they need to excel.

For access to my collection of 8th Math worksheets and video lessons, click here.

Visit my YouTube channel for additional math lessons and resources: Mr. Slope Guy's YouTube Channel.


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